What is Chiropractic | What is a Subluxation  |  What is an Adjustment
Is Chiropractic Safe?  | Safety & Risk Facts  |  Warning Signs Myths
Facts & Science  |  Origin of Chiropractic | Education & Training


Here is the accepted published data on the safety of medicine vs. chiropractic. You Decide.

This is the accepted data. Lets compare to medicine and you decide what is safe: Long-term use of non-prescription pain relievers carries a 1,000 times greater risk of serious complications than neck adjustments. For example:             - risk of serious complication is 1,000 in every million.
            - risk of death is 100 to 200 in every million.

The Journal of The American Medical Association reported that in the U.S. there are:

It is more than clear what the safest health care on earth is. Don't be fooled by the media. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than suffer permanent injury from a chiropractic adjustment. Now you know the truth and can enjoy the benefits of Chiropractic for your health and Wellness.
Some fast facts about Strokes
Strokes may occur from normal everyday activities such as cradling a phone between your ear and shoulder during a prolonged conversation. They have also been associated with simple activities such as having your hair washed at the hairdressers, dental procedures, painting a ceiling and turning your head while driving. Strokes can occur spontaneously in some people for no apparent reason.

There are many risk factors for stroke including blood clotting problems, hypertension, smoking, high cholesterol, birth control pills, heart problems and trauma such as blows to the head and sports injuries. A patient's health history and activities have to be examined very carefully in order to determine the most probable cause of a stroke.


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What is Chiropractic | What is a Subluxation  |  What is an Adjustment
Is Chiropractic Safe?  | Safety & Risk Facts  |  Warning Signs Myths
Facts & Science  |  Origin of Chiropractic | Education & Training