All company names, products, services and brands mentioned, identified and/or linked to are the property of their respective owners.


For information about Metagenics and other quality nutraceuticals available, click here
Price:  Inquire at front desk for details.
(tax and S&H included)

Ordinary pillows will not provide the proper support for the head and upper cervical spine necessary for a relaxing restful sleep. A supportive pillow is one which is specifically designed to keep the head and shoulders in a neutral position, thus maintaining correct cervical curvature to allow the neck and shoulders to relax.
A supportive pillow still allows you to choose your most comfortable sleeping position.

This pillow has support bolsters on each end. These pillows are non-allergenic, odourless, made of dust-free foam and they have a cotton cover which is removable for easy laundering. The pillow fits in a standard pillowcase.

The Normalizer Sleeping Pillow is the ONLY contour pillow recommended and endorsed by the Canadian Chiropractic Association. It is not only an investment in a pillow, but also an investment in Therapy For Your Health and a comfortable sleep.

(Travel size and small/child sizes available. Prices vary)

To order, please call 905-858-4344 or order at our front desk.

This pillow is custom molded with proper support for back and side sleeping.
For back sleeping, the centre section has a deep contour to cradle the back of the head and a unique wedge extension to provide relaxing support of the neck and upper spine.
For side sleeping, the end sections are higher and specifically contoured to comfortably rest the head and neck in the neutral position to allow proper alignment.

The Therapeutica Sleeping Pillow is the ONLY contour pillow recommended and endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association. It is not only an investment in a pillow, but also an investment in Therapy For Your Health and a comfortable sleep.

(Available in various sizes. Prices vary.)

To order, please call 905-858-4344 or order at our front desk.


Unlike traditional 'L'-shaped chairs, the 'S'-shaped frame of the award-winning Obus Forme Backrest Supports molds your spine into proper anatomical alignment. Muscles relax; pain is eased, leaving you more comfortable and energized. Use an Obus Forme Backrest anywhere you sit - in the home, office or car.

OBUS FORME Backrest Supports are the only backrest supports exclusively endorsed by the Canadian Chiropractic Association.

(Various styles available. Prices vary.)

To order, please call 905-858-4344 or order at our front desk.

A concave rigid frame has been layered with foam to follow the natural contours of the spine. The concave design provides lateral stability. 
  • The air chamber can be adjusted up or down when deflated to allow for proper positioning.
  • An elasticized strap holds the back support to the chair.

(Various styles available. Prices vary.)

To order, please call 905-858-4344 or order at our front desk.

  • Therapy while you rest and therapy while you work by providing correct spinal aignment.
  • Promotes greater comfort by reducing back pain and fatigue.
  • Side supports cradle the kidney area comfortably and provide lateral support.
  • Unique but simple fastening system for easy fastening to most chairs.
  • Available in 3 sizes - Petite, Average, Tall

Also available for Auto Support for therapy while you drive.
  • Helps to prevent whiplash

The Therapeutica Back Support is the ONLY back support  recommended and endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association.

(Various styles available. Prices vary.)

To order, please call 905-858-4344 or order at our front desk.


POSTURE PUMP is a major breakthrough for those who suffer from being in uncomfortable positions. Body positions force the spine out of its natural shape, causing abnormal joint movement and loss of joint lubrication. Dry joints wear unevenly, age rapidly and cause stiffness and discomfort. Just minutes on the POSTURE PUMP Spine Trainer counteracts this common problem by shaping and lubricating the neck and back. A great defense against aging.

(Various styles available. Prices vary.) 

To order, please call 905-858-4344 or order at our front desk.

How does Posture Pump Work: The Cervical Traction Posture Pump carefully lifts and separates the neck and back joints in a unique way. Traction, hanging devices, massage units, vibrators, special pillows and regular exercise cannot. Special expanding air cells angled into the spine activate the "bellows or sponge-like" function of the discs, producing a warm, relaxed feeling through the neck and back. Patented up and down motion reinforces the spine's natural "c" curve shape and promotes joint lubrication, joint nutrition, flexibility and the correct posture.

Please visit http://www.posturepump.com/  for more information about about the Posture Pump.



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