Spinal X-rays

Spinal X-rays are used so the doctor can locate areas of subluxations (spinal misalignments causing nerve stress), mechanical problems, and any signs of degeneration. This information will help the doctor to determine an appropriate course of chiropractic care to correct your problem, and how the spinal segments involved are to be adjusted.

The results of your X-rays will also help the doctor to determine if your case can be accepted for chiropractic care, or if a referral is required.

If you had X-rays taken from a medical office or hospital, you likely have X-rays that were taken for different reasons.  These X-rays they may not provide your Chiropractic Doctor with the essential information they need. A Chiropractor will most often require an X-ray called the full spine X-ray, which involves mainly two pictures of your entire spine; one from the front and one from the side, while you are standing or weight bearing. The information on these x-rays will be used on every visit to give you customized care.




This is an example of a patient who's initial complaint of neck pain and headaches was the result of a Phase 1 Subluxation involving a loss of cervical curve (black dotted line) with an angle measuring only 16 degrees. (An optimal curve should have an angle in the range of 40-45 degrees and is depicted by the red line.)

Most often, a typical spinal corrective program may involve a period of at least 3-6 months. In this case, follow-up X-rays were taken after 2 months to evaluate progress. The patient's cervical curve now measures 27 degrees! (See how the black line appears closer to the red line.)

The improved spinal alignment has helped this patient by reducing their neck pain and headaches. Did this patient need pain medication to relieve their symptoms? NO! The cause of the problem has been addressed, thus correcting their subluxation. The improved alignment of the patient's spine has resulted in reduced joint, muscle, and nerve stress. The healthy spinal alignment and motion will also help prevent further degeneration of the spinal joints and discs. Regular maintenance visits are recommended to keep this patient at optimal spinal health.

It is a FACT that abnormal spinal motion and position can lead to spinal decay.

What will you do when your spine wears out?

Schedule a Chiropractic Spinal Check-up today!



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