Studies show that all age groups from infants to the elderly can benefit

 with regular chiropractic care.

As a Family Chiropractic Centre, we feel the entire family should be healthy and take part of wellness with regular chiropractic care. That's why we strongly recommend that all family members should be checked for health damaging Subluxations.

We attempt to assist our practice member's by making family health care affordable. That is why we offer discounted family wellness plans.


As you may know, the nervous system controls the function of virtually every cell, tissue, organ, and system of your body. THIS IS A PHYSIOLOGICAL FACT!

The primary focus of chiropractic is to improve spinal health and nervous system function
Even subtle spinal deviations (Subluxations) can irritate delicate nerve tissue - even without obvious symptoms! That's why chiropractic often helps with many health problems that aren't just "neck or back problems."

SUBLUXATION - A misalignment of two or more vertebrae, which pinches or irritates spinal nerves and interfering with normal nervous system function.

Subluxations can be caused by everyday movements such as turning and bending, prolonged sitting or standing, poor posture, bumps and falls, and even the birth process.

Subluxations can arise from 3 types of daily stress: physical, chemical or emotional. 

Physical stress is the most common type of stress.  Examples are motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, slip and fall injuries, chronic poor posture, repetative movements, infants learning to walk, and even the process of birth. (Birth produces vertebral subluxation, especially when the delivery involves forceps, vacuum extraction and even assistance by hand.  Up to 70 pounds of pressure are exerted on the newborn's head and neck, causing serious subluxations to develop.)

Chemical stress affects the nervous system. Examples are chemical pollutants in our environment, drugs (prescribed on non-prescribed, including flu shots and vaccinations), caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and a poor diet. These substances can act to irritate and hinder the optimal function of the nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, causing negative chemical imbalances. 

Emotional stress can put a great demand on the spinal joints, muscles and the nervous system. Emotional stress seen when we are caught in a long lineup, traffic jams, have family and marital problems,  builds up the tension in our muscles and joints, and if ignored and uncorrected for a long time, will eventually lead to headaches, spinal pain, high blood pressure and anxiety attacks, just to name a few. Tension is increased primarily in the upper back, shoulders and neck muscles and will produce subluxation.  Emotions also play an important role in healing because negative thoughts can reflect in impaired healing.

Whether it is physical, chemical or emotional stress which is placed on the nervous system, the outcome is negative. Vertebral subluxations will develop, causing further nerve interference. Whenever the nervous system is interfered with, the connection between the brain and body is impaired, and there may be malfunction of any cell, tissue or organ of the body.

Here is a short list of some common symptoms or health problems associated with Subluxations:

Neck Pain
Back Pain
Arm/Hand Pain/numbness
Leg/Foot Pain/numbness
Sore Throat
Sinus Problems
Repiratory Problems
Digestive Problems
Frequent Colds/Flus

Here is a short list of some common childhood symptoms or health problems also associated with Subluxations:

Ear Infections
latching on

Chronic Fevers
Bed Wetting

A Simple chiropractic check-up which includes an Infra-red Computerized Thermal Scan can help detect if any of your family members are suffering from nerve interference caused by Vertebral Subluxations.

Before Chiropractic Care -
Nerve interference resulting in abnormal thermal pattern.
After Adjustment -
Normalizing nerve function resulting in a more balanced thermal reading.

Chiropractic Adjustments correct or reduce subluxations, restoring proper nerve function, and allowing your body to achieve it's fullest health potential.

 Regular Chiropractic care may successfully help you and your family create:

With this knowledge, isn't it important to have all family members checked for potential SUBLUXATIONS that may affect their nervous system and their potential to express optimal health?

Schedule their spinal check-up today and ask about our Family Wellness Plan!



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