A frequent and overlooked cause of headaches is the malfunction of the spinal bones in the neck and upper back. Aspirin and medications may cover up the symptoms, but do not correct the underlying structural cause. The treatment for a headache depends, of course, on its cause. For example, a headache arising from visual problems can often be cured by eyeglasses; a headache caused by a sinus or ear infection will be relieved when the infection resolves. But the most common headaches, including migraine are usually treated with a pain killer or other drugs. Although Chiropractic is not a headache therapy, for nearly a hundred years headache sufferers have turned to the drug free, natural methods used by their neighborhood Chiropractors. By eliminating spinal nerve stress, Chiropractic permits the entire body to restore itself to a greater level of health and wholeness--in effect, to heal itself. Chiropractic spinal care is essential for anyone who suffers from headaches.
Conditions Treated | Subluxation Complex | Subluxation Degeneration |