The Low Back

Back pain is a modern epidemic. 80 percent of North Americans will experience disabling low-back pain and least once during their lives! At this moment 6.6 million North Americans are in bed with back pain, at a yearly cost of up to $55 billion (lost work, compensation payments, and medical bills).

 The Standard Medical Approach

The medical approach to back pain may include new diagnostic procedures using X-ray, EMG, MRI, CKT (or CT) scan, bone scan, discogram, and fluoroscopy, but the standard medical treatments are the same as they've been for decades: drugs and physical therapy (largely ineffective), surgery (dangerous, with a high failure rate), bed rest (ineffective and potentially harmful), and "Learning to live with the pain. " As one of the world's foremost back-pain researchers has admitted, "Conventional medical treatment for low-back pain has failed," and "Mechanical therapy " (The Chiropractic adjustment) is the most rational approach. "

 The Chiropractic Record

Although back pain can have a number of different causes (including infection, tumor, or metabolic disease), every such sufferer needs to ensure that his or her spine is free from nerve stress. Research has found Chiropractic to be a safe, effective, and low-cost alternative for back, leg, and disc pain. If you have already undergone back surgery Chiropractic can help you avoid future operations.  The Manga Report: A recent Canadian study of low-back pain sufferers in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom noted the “scientific evidence of effectiveness, “cost-effectiveness,” “safety,” and “higher patient satisfaction” of chiropractic for low-back pain, contrasting it with “the untested, questionable or harmful nature of many current medical therapies.”


While the medical approach to back pain is attacked as wasteful and often useless, a major research study found Chiropractic patients to have lower total health care costs and to save, on average, $1,000 per year compared with the general patient population.  Why are the results so overwhelming in favor of Chiropractic over medical care for low-back problems? Because painkillers, muscle relaxers, Valium, braces, physical therapy, and surgery are not designed to correct spinal nerve stress. Chiropractic is!


Conditions Treated | Subluxation Complex | Subluxation Degeneration
Neck | Headache | Shoulder | Back | Disc | Sciatica
 Pregnancy | Kids | Sports